Sunday, March 29, 2009


There aren't many words to express how powerful today's dedication was!! There's absolutely nothing like seeing our entire church body unified together in one service, worshipping one God, and dedicating ourselves to one cause!

One of my favorite memories of our first service at "Milestone 4.0" if you will, was when the worship team walked out onto the stage for our first worship set. There was SO much energy & excitement. Everyone was so expectant for God to move and for people to start being reached at our new location! The auditorium was filled with sons & daughters of the house, and I was overcome by how faithful He proved Himself!!

Although today seemed like this is as good as it gets, the calling that God has placed on our church declares that the best is YET TO COME!!!! And THAT'S the exciting part!!!

All glory to God! Every single bit.

More later...


Tori said...

Every single bit. I'm so proud of the awesome man of God you are, and the way that you continue to seek to be stretched and taught by Him! Today was amazing, and "Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done here!"

Gretchen said...

Well said Blake. It was a powerful service this morning and you and Betsy and the whole worship team are the reason for that (and of course God). Your voice and energy really move me when you're up there singing. You need to make a CD and I'll buy them all to keep you in business if I have to!! :)